Dr. Anne's Latest Book
The Virtue of Affability or Friendliness and
its Relevance in Modern Evangelization
Dr. Anne DeSantis earned a doctorate in theology in 2024 based on her dissertation The Virtue of Affability and its Relevance in Modern Evangelization. The book explores the critical role of affability in contemporary outreach, aiming to bring this often-overlooked virtue into the spotlight. Dr. DeSantis engages the writings of Pope Francis and selected saints expressing that affability is a virtue which impacts human relations for the good of the world, propelling evangelization efforts to the fullest level. The reason for its effectiveness is because friendly interactions influence the lives of both the giver and the receiver, which offers encouragement and produces joy. Evidence of this rests not only on the tenets of the Gospels and of the teachings of the Church but also on modern studies concerning the neuroscience of emotion and other areas of psychology.
Podcasts about the book!
Love and Care for the Marginalized
Love and Care for the Marginalized is a 40-day meditational book by Dr. Anne DeSantis. This spiritual guide offers a daily quote, meditation, and a call to action in living the faith each day. The book is a perfect way to start your day, and it is also a great gift especially for those who wish to learn skills to become "Missionary Disciples".
CFN LIVE: The Catholic Faith Network
Patchwork Heart Ministry
Hearts Burning within Us by Patchwork Heart Ministry is answers the burning questions of younger people related to living the faith in an authentic way. Dr. Anne DeSantis is a co-author of this book.